One of the most common injuries sustained by drivers and passengers involved in vehicular collisions is whiplash. Despite its frequency, there are many misconceptions about the cause and effects of this oft-occurring neck injury. This detailed look at whiplash symptoms and outcomes provides drivers the knowledge they need to be aware of their physical responses to a car accident of any magnitude.
Whiplash From Car Accidents - The What and Why of Neck Injury
One of the greatest risks a car accident poses to drivers and passengers is neck damage such as whiplash. If you are in an auto impact, whether a minimal collision or a major wreck, the more you understand about possible damages to your body, the better you will be at knowing what to look for. Looking at the depth of a whiplash injury, which is the most common spinal cord injury, and awareness, can help you stay in the accident affected about communication and how their bodies.
Whiplash is probably the most well-known type of neck injury to result from a collision, and it is also one of the most frequent. Whiplash is a common label for a neck sprain, so called because the impact has "whipped" or "lashed" the head and body in opposite directions. Because the head is so heavy in relation to the neck, this quick movement presents a sudden, forceful strain on the sensitive vertebrae and soft muscles in the neck.
What many people do not realize is that the painful symptoms indicating whiplash often do not occur until several days after the collision. Feeling "fine" immediately after impact does not mean you have not been injured, but simply that the damage has not yet progressed its course to the point of being noticeable---yet.
Once damages are felt, these symptoms are associated with whiplash and may indicate you have been injured in such a way:
- Pain, aching, stiffness, and tenderness of the neck
- Pain and aching of the back
- Sore shoulders
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Limited neck movement
- A "pins and needles" sensation in the limbs
The more serious the whiplash, the greater the number and effects of these symptoms on your body. Less serious forms of whiplash generally only cause mild pain that dissipates within a week of the accident. But the more serious accidents can actually restrict the movement of the head and neck, becoming a permanent disability.
Spinal damage that goes a step beyond whiplash includes herniated and fractured discs and similar disruptions. While some whiplash fades away, the worst spinal trauma can cause permanent damage to the victim, ranging from chronic pain and soreness all the way to partial loss of limb function or complete paralysis.
Emergency room fees, diagnosis costs, and treatment expenses can pile up quickly after such an accident, and the worse your injury, the greater your expenses will be. If you have experienced spinal damage of any degree in an accident someone else caused, you may consider contacting a West Palm Beach Car Accident Lawyer to discuss pursuing compensation from the responsible party.
The neck and spine are incredibly fragile parts of the human body for how important they are. If you have been in an impact and suspect your neck or back absorbed even a small amount of force, do not move, lean, turn or twist, and inform emergency personnel of your concern so that they can property protect you. And even if, at the scene of an accident, you feel no immediate pain, remember to remain attentive throughout the next few days. If you develop any of the whiplash symptoms detailed above, see a doctor and tell him or her that you have been in a car accident so that they can protect and treat your injuries with the greatest degree of care available.
Casey D. Shomo, P.A. is a law firm in West Palm Beach, Florida and they handle cases meant for an experienced West Palm Beach Personal Injury Lawyer including auto accident, wrongful death, and medical malpractice cases.
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