While you are on the road, you can never be sure everything will go as planned. In the UK alone, car and road accidents claim many lives and affect thousands of people each year. What most people do not know is that they can make personal injury claims for car accidents. There have been many instances of road accidents that go unreported or unclaimed. Many simply let it pass without knowing of the possible claims that they could have made.
Car Accident Injury Claims - What You Need to Know
While you are on the road, you can never be sure everything will go as planned. Road accidents come when they are least expected. The effects of road accidents can also range from mild to disastrous. In the UK alone, car and road accidents claim many lives and affect thousands of people each year. What most people do not know is that they can make personal injury claims for car accidents. There have been many instances of road accidents that go unreported or unclaimed. Many simply let it pass without knowing of the possible claims that they could have made.
Personal injury can be classified under any kind of mental and physical injury caused by an accident. One of the common personal injuries usually sustained during road accidents is whiplash. Whiplash is the neck pain acquired following an injury. It usually damages the soft tissues of the neck including the ligaments, tendons and muscles. During a car accident, the neck is very prone to damage thus causing whiplash and other more serious medical conditions. Sustaining any kind of personal injury such as whiplash can really be painful. In most cases, such conditions also adversely affect one's work, personal routine and lifestyle. In extreme cases, some even suffer from permanent disability.
When whiplash or other serious injury is sustained from road accidents, accident compensation claims can be made. The first thing to be done is to report it to local authorities. Reports and claims can be made stronger if details and supporting documents can be provided. If the road accident occurred in the past, the law allows the filing of car accident claims up to three years after the incident.
In filing a car accident claim, professional handling from a solicitor can be of great advantage. Personal injury claims solicitors can expertly present the claims and negotiate demands. In making such claims for personal injury or accident cases, to the personal data such as name, vehicle registration, medical reports, medical and hospital expenses, and even photographs, can help win the case, the compensation request. In looking for a personal injury solicitor, one must consider to look for those with in-depth experience in handling and winning such cases. These information and documents are needed to provide support for these claims. The reputation of the solicitor and his company also matter especially in making the negotiations.
In handling car accident claims, there are claims companies who operate using the "no win, no fee" service. This concept simply means that the claimant need not pay if the case is not won. This kind of deal between the solicitor and the claimant ensures protection and maximum advantage for the claimant.
A road accident injury claim can be compensated between 1000 to 25,000 pounds. The exact amount, however, depends on the extent of the injury, the duration of pain or disability, recovery period and the expenses incurred. The general effects of an injury to the claimant's life are also considered.
Claiming for compensation in any personal injury case is seen as a civil right of all citizens. Car accident claims are fully recognized by law. Many solicitors are willing to handle such cases and assist claimants to get the rightful compensation for their injuries.
If you think you may be entitled to make a car accident claim, contact My Injury Lawyer for free help and advice.
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